Someone once told me she can’t love the thing she wants. For her, to love that thing is wrong.
Therefore she choose to do the thing she should do, but she was not happy.
Want and be happy, should and be not. Different aspects points out different views.
Let’s put it in how severe it is if we do the things we want, but should not, and see how “should not” does becomes a barrier to do the things we “want”.
Although we might hate our teacher for failing us, we really “want” to kill them, but we “should not”. Agree?
Although we “want” to kill them, killing them would bring such a big problem to ourselves; we decide we better not kill them. So case solved. We rather live with “should not” because “should” would bring more disaster.
This all may sound silly, but it’s only for humor’s sake.
But what if, you loved someone so much, and you know one day you and her will break. You “want” her so badly, but you “should not” be together. Set aside other factors, we put the “ending will hurt” as the main category here. Now how much will they hurt?
I “want” but “should” it be?
Many say, what ends later should end now, don’t get hurt in the end. While some will say, it’s hard to find two people loving each other so much at the same time, and you should have a blast relationship.
My mind is confused. I always want to be with the one I love, and never put “should” as something in between. Just because I have faith in myself I treat her good, and if one day she leaves, I’ll let her.
As for her, I see that she would love me so much that when the day comes it will hurt her as much as it hurts me. This makes me think a moment would I want her to be hurt in that way? No I don’t.
And yet I don’t want her to be hurt at this moment right now and not in the future as well.
If only she could see that I am hurt enough to be hurt again. I’ve seen the big ocean, and I know how to drift on the sea alone. So it is no big deal a hurt for me.
If “should not” be together is because the fear of me being hurt, you have your answer. I may be use to drift the sea alone but don’t let this go away. It’ll hurt me more to see you hurt right now. It’ll hurt me more knowing that I have to let u go alone.
In this scenario, “should not” isn’t that bad after all. We can accept the fact that “should” be replaced with “should not”.
So it should be, that “want” and “should” exist together in our story.
Want and should; should never be a question for legitimacy. If the end is what is feared, then don't do anything. But will you be pleased if you do nothing?
im doing something now...
but doing something now, doesnt change...
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